I've had this machine for a few weeks now and have used it several times including for a work function. It has an analogue timer. Heat should be set around 200 degrees and it takes about 90 seconds to cook a waffle. It uses about 2/3-3/4 of a cup of batter.
-Evenly heats
-Stainless steel
-Makes good waffles (I used both the recipe that it came with as well as one from Tasty, which was better)
-Easy to use
-Unlike the Vevor Belgian waffle maker that has a turning swivel on the back to flip it, this machine is more a replica of a traditional hand-held waffle maker. There is no turn swivel to flip it. It is just a notch with a threaded bold. This means you have to close the maker, lift the front up and carefully turn it over, set the timer, and then flip it back. This means metal on metal contact. Additionally, the armored cable that leads to the waffle head requires the waffle head to be turned only in one direction. I had to draw an arrow on the wood handle to remember to turn it the right way. The cable requires some room to move and if you put a tray underneath the iron to catch drips, the cable drags through the drips resulting in a hard to clean cable. These are minor issues, but just know this before using it. I recommend putting a tray underneath as it is annoying to clean around the handle post.
Although the iron is non-stick, it still needs to be sprayed. The recipe in the book is not as good as others I've tried online that are lighter. The recipes do have a lot of sugar and these are sweet waffles. My guests, family, and I liked the machine. It is easier to use than a stove top, hand held machine which is prone to dripping on the stove so I don't mind paying a bit more for one that is a separate appliance. I can recommend this machine.