I use this as a wort chiller. When I switched from an 8 gallon kettle to a keggle, my copper coil was physically too small to use and still have the connections outside of the kettle. After I had a hose blow off my coil and get tap water in my nearly chilled wort, I decided to find a better way.The nice thing about a plate chiller is that it is so small that you don’t need to handle or store it. I have mine clipped right next to my kettle, and all I have to do when I want to use it is hook up my hoses. I’m going to exbeeriment with using it during my eBIAB mash to heat sparge water to mash temps.As far as cleaning goes, I’ve found that it really helps to alternate back and forward flushing hot PBW through it until it runs clear, then repeat with water. Time will tell how clean it stays.As far as performance, it gets my 5 gallon batch of wort from boiling, down to pitching temps in about 30 minutes on tap water. I was hoping for faster cooling than that, but I’m going to tweak my technique a little and see if I can avoid recirculating it back into my kettle. If I set it up right, it should come out at pitching temperature. That should shave some time off my brew day.