I think these legs are quite suitable to the purpose; they are sturdy, of reasonable quality for the price (often times that old adage of paying money for quality is correct). I had two issues, and it only concerned this particular model: (1) I was shipped two of the same leg, i.e., one of the screw plate-overhangs was on the wrong side. In other words, the pattern of the legs is not equal, when screwed to the table-top (see images), they look unsymmetrical. Had I attached the plates, so that the legs would appear symmetrical, it would have meant attaching the upper plates to the table in a manner whereby those plates would not be equidistant from the edge of the table, thus affecting (maybe) its rigidity/stability. (2) When attached, the legs racked somewhat side to side, indicative (perhaps) of not enough plate thickness, and/or screws too short, This, one may be able to fix by adding wood shims between the underside of the table and the metal-legs, and using my own screws. I may be in error of thinking that this may correct the occurrence (though I studied engineering design and practice as an apprentice, that knowledge remains vague now, as I entered an altogether different career). I contacted Vevor about the above, and they were very responsive to the issue at hand. The representative was exceeding efficient, but had time delays in responding with information, since she was reliant upon communications with the engineering section of the company. All-in-all, my concerns were ameliorated through the replacement of legs; I will continue to purchase Vevor products, as I have done, since they are reasonably priced, quality is sufficiently within standards, and the company values it customers, as evidenced through their after-market service and response.