After reading a lot of reviews I decided to purchase this air bag lift. Assembly was easy and I checked all the bolts for tightness per other reviews. Everything was good. The air bag goes low enough to fit under a newer Camaro and it picks the side up that both wheels are off the ground. I am definitely pleased with the product.
just awesome I used mind to remove and install a transmission in my wife's jeep and picking up my car is like nothing its wonderful and my back isn't having to strain to do this kinda work.
This product is invaluable to anyone who regularly uses a lift. We inspect cars and this will save years of back pain as it makes the most labor intensive part of the job so much easier! I love it, and have purchased two so far. Well worth the money
Love this thing. Be patient and understand that the fitting it comes with will have to be changed out to what ever you use, it is a standard 1/4 in thread that will except American fittings.