I'll give this a 4 1/2 overall. It's fairly sturdy for the price. The lock mechanism is pretty typical for this type of cabinet. I'll add a hasp and pad lock when I have the chance. It's easy to assemble, although the instructions are a bit unclear. I still don't know what \"EVA\" stands for, but the pads went right on. It's not quite clear how the magnets install and that you have to install the bottom ones before you lower the bottom shelf. It's nice that they include a mounting template for wall mounting the cabinet as it's heavy enough to make that a PITA if you're working by yourself. If I wall mount it, I'll definitely get better hollow wall mounts since I'm not sure that the ones included will hold the weight as listed. The top more or less snaps on and I plan to drill through holes so I can bolt it on. Not much sense in having a locking cabinet if the top can be popped off with a little bit of effort. All of that aside it's at a better price point and not less well made than what I've seen at Lowes and Home Despot.