Customer Reviews for VEVOR Tricycle Adult 24’’ Wheels Adult Tricycle 1-Speed 3 Wheel Bikes For Adults Three Wheel Bike For Adults Adult Trike Adult Folding Tricycle Foldable Adult Tricycle 3 Wheel Bike Trike For Adults
I buy this for my wife and she love it, I take like 3 hours to assembly all the parts, is not complicated but you need to follow the instructions, to make right.
LOVE THE TRIKE! my dog Weki and I enjoy riding it at the local park! I suffered a TBI from a equestrian accident 8 years ago that left me with NO BALANCE AND unable to walk. This trike is wonderful for helping me with my mobility issues! I’m mobile again and with my little buddy! I ❤️ it!!
Excellent product! Ordered for my daughter for her birthday. She loves it. Costumer service is excellent. There was a small issue with the crank. They responded to my email immediately and shipped the new part very quickly.
The quality is very good, the wheels don't wobble at all, the sound feels very thick when you tap the steel pipe, and the workmanship details are in place.