Customer Reviews for VEVOR Tricycle Adult 24’’ Wheels Adult Tricycle 1-Speed 3 Wheel Bikes For Adults Three Wheel Bike For Adults Adult Trike Adult Folding Tricycle Foldable Adult Tricycle 3 Wheel Bike Trike For Adults
I'm 60 years old and I bought this tricycle for myself. My grandson loves to ride this bike every time he comes to visit, it doesn't take much skill to ride it. In time, I plan to buy one for my little grandson
I ordered it on Saturday and received it two days later in the morning. The price is very reasonable, the assembly is simple, all the parts are there, and the assembly took me about 2.5 hours. The tricycle is fine. I'll get used to it in time.
I am so impressed with this seller. They have gone above and beyond and made everything right. I have changed my rating because a seller that takes care of their customers is worth 5 stars.
this was exactly what I was looking for. It was fairly easy to put together - I got lots of extra screws and bits which was helpful if any broke (none did).